What We Offer
Formation, nurturing and building up the capacities
GMBVM trust has been formed to improve the Social, Economic & Health status of women in rural area. The Trust is aimed at comprehensive development of women and their empowerment by organizing them in to Self Help Groups (SHGs) and helping them to take up income generating activities. It will help in improving self-esteem and self-worth of rural womens.
Credit linkage & other financial services
GMBVM believes in giving Credit + services to the SHGs and the belief that WOMEN CAN DO!
GMBVM trust not only helps in making the SHG group trained for credit linkage with Bank but also helps SHGs in giving other financial services like opening their saving bank accounts, training for book keeping, record keeping of SHGs, Financial Literacy, Credit camp etc.
Marketing & Exhibition of SHG Products
To assist SHGs for generating Self Employment activity GMBVM trust impart them knowledge of Marketing their products and also take participation in various exhibitions throughout the year to make platform for sale of SHG products. We participate in various exhibitions like Bhimthadi Jatra, local Bazars, Melas etc. Main objective is giving platform to SHG products for sell & exhibition at different market levels.
Skill Development Training
GMBVM Trust is arranging various “Skill Development Trainings” like Cloth bag making, Costume Jwellery making, Cleaning Product preparation, Rakhi & Agarbatti Making etc. for our SHG and with this help them for generating Self Employment activity.
Community development
As a part of Community Development through SHG, GMBVM trust encourage rural women to save their own money, share the resources of the group & hence steer away from the clutches of rural moneylenders. Also Help SHG members to achieve self- dependency and independence of thought, yet to take collective decision democratically.
To contribute in community development, GMBVM Trust is arranging Health Check up, Eye Check up camps etc. at various remote villages for benefit of women's and children's in that area. These camps are arranging in coordination with Medical Hospitals, Doctors. During these camps trust is providing required medicines & medical equipment's free of cost.
Also other activities like Nutritional awareness compaign, Swachata Abhiyan are being conducted through trust for community development.